From the first 17 attendees who, unsolicited, wrote e-mails with comments after the Conference:
“It was an absolutely fantastic few days. The quality of the speakers was off the chart…I hope this can become an annual event. The opportunity to bring together people who are making a difference in the church and allow them to connect and collaborate is extremely worthwhile. Also, being around other church leaders is incredibly energizing. I’m sure others felt that way as well.”
“I found [the Conference] enriching and stimulating.”
“I think [the Conference] was a tremendous success in general, and it is proving enormously helpful to [an agency of 5 agencies involved]”
“my most heartfelt thanks for including me in this truly inspiring and remarkable conference. I am very humbled and honored to have been included among this group of deeply thoughtful, generous, and faithful Orthodox Christians who are also so dynamic and forward-thinking. I find myself—even a week later—still reflecting on the many excellent presentations…and excited by the energy generated by this group.”
“It was a marvelous success!”
“tremendous conference”
“I continue to hear great things about the conference.”–Seraphim Danckaert, Exec. Dir., FOCUS North America
“What a beautiful weekend…the fruits of this weekend I am sure will last for a very long time. God willing they will produce many good things…I am thankful for…the amazing opportunity to be involved. This was a great weekend.”
“It was truly a great conference and one to which I benefitted greatly.”
“For the Life of the World”—such an amazing and blessed meeting ground of charisms, conscience, knowledge, practical experience, spiritual understanding and sacrificial commitment.”
“I am grateful to have had the opportunity to attend and look forward to the future possibilities of this initiative.”
“I have heard from several participants and speakers that it was fantastic!”
“the conference g[ave] me ‘hope’ for our ministries moving forward. I met so many wonderful people, heard great stories and new ideas, and felt very much a part of a vibrant group of individuals gathered in the name of Christ and the work He enlists us to do.”
“I enjoyed meeting everyone and I learned so much in a short period of time with the group. I definitely think you should repeat the event. It is vital in the life of our church here in America.”
“It was life-transforming.”
“I loved being there. I think it was remarkable and so needed. I was honored to be a speaker.
“By far, this was one of the best professional and spiritual conferences I have ever attended. I feel very privileged to have been a part of this conference. I hope to take the lessons I learned and use the guidance in both my personal and professional life.